15 April 2011

How long will this take?

Someone on another forum asked me how long I thought the project will take.

Ahh! That's the magic question.

As it stands I have a great deal of the hardware needed, engine, trans, suspension and such. I have to appoint an Automotive Engineer to certify my work so that is the next step - held up by the fact that our woefully useless state government registration authority are changing the entire certification process - with very little information being released to the public. The new scheme was advertised to commence in February 2011 but still nothing has been announced. :x As you might be able to tell, I'm a little frustrated with this.

Once I've finished mock assembling and documenting, I'd like to clean up the chassis and make some drawings/plans to take to the engineer.

Other hurdles were to build my shed (140m²) and that is now pretty much complete bar some lighting in internal fit out. Then I had to sell off my collection of cars (Rolls Royce, '49 Morris and '59 Morris) and that is now just about complete, the '49 get picked up this week.

Then there's my health. I've lost months and months and tens of thousands of dollars to my health problems, but I am determined to not be beaten.

Anyway, all things being equal, I'm setting myself three years, although I should be able to complete it in less time than that. As I've never carried out such a project before it is a little difficult to estimate. I've heard stories of others taking 10 plus years and others taking 18 months. Given I'm doing everything I possibly can myself, except the upholstery, progress might be a little slow as I hone my skills.

Enough of my waffle for now!


04 April 2011

Further Progress and mock build

Further Progress: Mock Build

There has been a little progress on the Wolseley. I have sold my '49 and '59 Morisses, so I have a little cash left over for this project after paying the bills.

I started mock building the car to see what's missing, about 2/3 way through. It was a great buzz to see the pile of rusty parts start to look like a car.





Dad was up visiting so we headed up the shed to have a tinker, what better way to spend my birthday! :lol:

My health has been dragging me down still unfortunately, but I refuse to give up - I will get there, wherever it is I was going! :lol:

I used some of the money from the '59 Morris sale to get a few items from overseas while our Aussie Pound is strong.

I got a set of instruments from Auto Meter:


And I got a Lokar automatic shifter and indicator boot:


Mine is a bit like this except the boot base is round.


Soon I will get an order off to the UK for my Moto-Lita steering wheel! Nice - can't wait.

It seems a bit strange buying bling when I haven't done much building yet but I want to buy while our Dollar is high as I think it will eventually fall again.

Cheers all,


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